Creative Scrapbooking

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

What do I do besides scrap?

Man there are some days when I feel like I do nothing but scrap (but I wouldn't say that too loud around the office) LOL.

I am luck to have taken over as the office manager for our family business when my mom retired due to health problems.

It is a wonderful job and I love my boss (he is my dad after all). I am in the office alone most days. As long as I get my daily work done I am able to play around online and post my layouts and such.

Before I took over the position full time I worked half a day and stayed at home in the mornings with my kids. Now that my oldest is in Kindergarten (full day) it was easier to make the transition to full time.

I still miss my lazy mornings with the kids crawling into my bed, but we still get that on the weeknds they are home.

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