Creative Scrapbooking

Thursday, August 10, 2006

A few layouts

I decided I needed to post some updated layouts on here. These are a few of Scott & the kids (well and me). I am trying to get a project finished up for him before he heads over to Iraq, that is what the smaller layouts are for. There are about 10 cards (maybe more) that will make up a little mini scrapbook. It is kind of my going away gift for him, wouldn't want him to forget about us while he is gone. I was rushing to finish it by tonight because tomorrow was supposed to be his last day in town, but his departure date got pushed back a week. Now I have a little more time to get it finished without rushing. Maybe after the weekend I will actually have a picture of us together to post LOL.


Karin said...

Guess I am out of the loop, who is Scott? Tell him to be safe in Iraq. The templates look great.

Anonymous said...

It's hard to be away from someone you care about when they are heading to such a dangerous place. My BIL just returned from his second tour in Iraq and he really cherished all his pictures from home. Your gift will be a priceless treasure.