I had to read the email over and over just to be sure. It is definitely my dream team, I have been applying at SSD for years now. It is such an honor to be part of such a great site! Here is the official announcement with the rest of the hybrid girls! There is also a new Hybrid Babe Gallery that will soon be filled with inspiration for everyone. I have my first project ready to photograph, so it should be in there this weekend.
Saturday, May 17, 2008
The Biggest News EVER!!!
I had to read the email over and over just to be sure. It is definitely my dream team, I have been applying at SSD for years now. It is such an honor to be part of such a great site! Here is the official announcement with the rest of the hybrid girls! There is also a new Hybrid Babe Gallery that will soon be filled with inspiration for everyone. I have my first project ready to photograph, so it should be in there this weekend.
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
A Few Altered Items
This my first project for Manda, it is an album for Justine & Dominic:
It turned out SO cute and they both LOVED it. There is a spot on each page for them to journal and since I printed on Matte paper it will be easy to write with any type of pen.
I also made these cute 4x4 chipboard magnets for my mom. I used the chipboard coasters that I bought on eBay before Christmas. I got a 100 square and a 100 round so I need to start using them up LOL. I made little 4x4 layouts, then put them all on a page and printed them. It was very easy, I was done in less than a hour start to finish:
Onto my projects for Dani Mogstad:
On the Girl Talk blog I did a post on how to transform a Starbuck's Frappacino Carrier into a storage space for extra hybrid supplies
I also put together this chipboard album of our 2005 Family Reunion for my mom:
Last but not least, Traci Reed
On the Hawt Mama blog there is instruction to cover a little wooden purse that I found at Michael's a while ago. It turned out really adorable and is the perfect size for a few pens and some envelopes for my desk.
and then I made ANOTHER chipboard album ... this time with the pictures from Ellie's birthday:
It has been a busy month that is for sure ... and with National Scrapbooking Day on Saturday I am sure I will have a bunch more stuff to show off soon.
Ellie turned 4!
Princess Justine arrived to help the girls get dressed and they each took a photo with her to go into their craft project (a foam Princess Carriage frame). Then she read them the Princess and the Pea while Sara and I served the girls snacks on Grandma's china and punch in champagne glasses. When the girls finished eating their fruit tarts and heart shaped sandwiches we opened gifts. Ellie and Lillian sat on their thrones and everyone was able to watch them open the gifts.
The crowing moments was when each girl was presented with their very own cake. I had made 2 pillow shaped cakes, complete with tassels and then placed a real tiara on top. Instead of cutting into the beautiful cakes we gave each of the guests a cupcake, which was SO much easier.
Each little princess left with their craft and a goody bag filled with princess jewelry & makeup. It was a wonderful party and everyone had SO much fun!!
My fellow CT members on Dani Mogstad's team have made some adorable pages from the party:

Anthony started Tee-Ball
1st Game:

Batter Up:

I am sure there will be more to come. We still have another month of games!
All Time Favorite!
Vintage Garden Fairies by Dani Mogstad & Shabby Miss Jenn
I love the colors and the whimsical feeling of the fairy wings and flowers. Plus it is from 2 amazing designers.Friday, February 29, 2008
Knock on Wood
1. How often do you get sick with a cold? The flu? Something else? I rarely get sick. After working in child care so long my immunities all buffed up.
2. Are you the sort of person who goes to work or school no matter how sick you are or are you willing to stay at home when it gets bad? For the most part, yes. Unless it is something that is going to get others sick
3. How do you like to treat a cold? What remedies do you like and why? Do you go to the doctor willingly? I hate having a runny/stuff nose and I have found that Claritin D eliminates that symptom pretty well. I don't go to the doctor unless I have a high temp and not getting better.
4. What do you do to keep from getting sick in the winter? Honestly ... nothing. No flu shots, no bottle of hand sanitizer. Nothing.
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
V-Day Wrap Up

Movies! Movies! Movies!
Currently I have:
Friends Season 4
October Road Season 1
Desperate Housewives Season 2
The Office Season 1
The Real Housewives of Orange County Season 1
What do I do besides scrap?
I am luck to have taken over as the office manager for our family business when my mom retired due to health problems.
It is a wonderful job and I love my boss (he is my dad after all). I am in the office alone most days. As long as I get my daily work done I am able to play around online and post my layouts and such.
Before I took over the position full time I worked half a day and stayed at home in the mornings with my kids. Now that my oldest is in Kindergarten (full day) it was easier to make the transition to full time.
I still miss my lazy mornings with the kids crawling into my bed, but we still get that on the weeknds they are home.
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Who can resist a good challenge?
What is ahead??
- Improve and advance my hybrid skills
- Scrap more pictures per page
- Include more journaling
See a nice short list!
Friday, January 18, 2008
A few good projects
I got to kick off January with a project that I have wanted to do for a while. I finally made Ellie a bow holder to display & store all her cute little hair clips. It came out SO cute. Here it is with just a few bows on it ... but now it is full. I think I will need to do her whole name if she keeps collecting bows like this. For a full set of instructions go HERE
I am also VERY proud of my Mini Mailbox
I made these cute little tumbers for Ellie class at Christmas before I was on Traci's team, but I still love them!
Check back soon for more projects
Friday, January 04, 2008
My BIG Announcement!
Wednesday, January 02, 2008
Welcome 2008!
Bill had to work at his store so for a couple hours it was just the 3 of us. Basically all Justine & I did was watch Dom play the Wii (which was MY Wii BTW) Eventually we convinced him that since we did have 4 controllers we could all play!
Once Bill arrived we cooked the Pizza's and opened up the beer. Justine & I opted for a concoction of Rasperry Pucker & Sprite. YUM! I got cut off pretty early so I would be sober to drive home after Midnight though.
The 4 of us had a blast playing on the Wii. Then we rang in the New Year by watching the "pre-recorded" Time Square footage on the local station in town. We had picked up poppers at Wal-Mart while shopping earlier so took a few pictures and then let off the poppers outside.

We then decided to keep the TV off and played Catch Phrase. While this game is fun sober (I should know) it is a LOT of fun when playing with friends that have been drinking. We kept rotating teams and laughing. It was great fun.
New Year's Day was full of excitement as well. First & foremost, I went and picked up my kids from their Dad's. I hadn't seen my kids since Christmas morning so I was definitely overdue for hugs & kisses from them. They had lots of stories to tell and talked just about non-stop till we got home!
At home Anthony was greeted with a brand new room!! While he was gone we took the opportunity to redecorate. He got a set of bunk beds with some new bedding and then we painted over the old border in his room and made a magnetic border all the way around. It just looks like a painted green border - but with the metallic pain under it the magnets stick to the wall. SO COOL! My mom also bought all the "sports" accessories that she could find for his room.
We added some Wallies around the painted boarder: